
5 Common Oral Problems Requiring Dental Surgery

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Dental Surgery
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Oral Health Status Report (2022), an estimated 3.5 billion people suffer from oral diseases worldwide. These oral diseases impact the overall oral health of the patient and may lead to unwanted situations like tooth extraction.

Some oral issues are treatable with medication, while severe dental problems require specific dental surgery. Dental surgeons perform various surgeries to treat dental issues in order to maintain the patient's oral health.

In this article, we will discuss the 5 common dental issues which require oral surgeries.

Common Oral Issues Require Dental Surgery

Dental issues such as tooth decay, misaligned tooth, oral cancer, and wisdom teeth require appropriate oral treatment. Dental surgeons perform these surgeries with the use of specialized dental instruments. Keep on reading to learn about common dental issues.

  1. Tooth Decay

Dentists perform tooth extraction surgical procedures to treat tooth decay dental issues. The method of tooth extraction may vary according to the location of the tooth decay. For instance, if tooth decay happens near the gum line, the dentist may need to make an incision to extract it.

Dental surgeons provide sedation or general anesthesia before initiating the surgery. As a result, the patient does not feel any discomfort or pain during the surgery and remains relaxed throughout the procedure.

After this, the surgeons make incisions or luxate a tooth from the root to make it loose enough so they can easily grab and extract it out of the socket. If the decayed tooth does not have enough circumferential area that dental surgeons can grab and pull with the forceps, they will make incisions. The incision ensures the safe and accurate extraction of the decayed tooth.

Tooth decay surgery usually takes 1 hour to complete, but the time can vary according to the complexity of the situation. In addition, dentists use different variations of dental instruments to extract the target tooth from the mouth.

2. Misaligned Jaw or Teeth

Dentists perform various dental surgical procedures to treat misaligned jaws or teeth depending on their type and severity. Crowded teeth, open-bite, cross-bite, overbite, underbite, overlapped, and gap teeth are all different types of dental misalignments. Here are some of the important dental oral surgery procedures for the treatment of such dental issues.

  • Orthognathic Surgery

Dentists usually perform orthognathic surgery for the treatment of misaligned jaws or teeth. In this surgery, surgeons make incisions in the jawbones to move them into the correct position. After positioning the jaws in the correct placement, dental surgeons use screws, tiny bone plates, rubber bands, and wires to secure the new jaw position.

It is a major surgery that requires the jaws to be wired shut for 4 to 6 weeks following the surgery. Patients can only take nutrition with the help of the straw until they recover.

Dental surgeons perform this facial surgery, which is a kind of skeletal surgery for straightening teeth. The misaligned teeth or jaw impact the overall dental appearance and the optimal oral health condition, like overbite and underbite. That’s why patients seek dental surgeons’ aid to fix their crooked teeth or maladjusted jaws.

There are other cosmetic procedures as well for the treatment of irregular teeth. However, severe dental issues can only be treated with orthognathic surgeries. Also, the cost of the surgery varies depending on the type and severity of the misaligned jaws and teeth.

  • Tooth Removal Surgery

Some irregular or overcrowded teeth conditions are also treatable with tooth removal surgery. Dentists may extract one or two teeth to allow other teeth to appear straight.  

The extraction of the tooth depends on the conditions of the irregular tooth. For instance, there may be some overlapping teeth causing the misalignment. In such cases, dentists always prefer to extract the overlapped tooth to improve other tooth appearance.

People with irregular teeth mostly experience the deposition of food particles in between the teeth. They may face hurdles in their regular cleaning routines, which results in developing tooth cavities, gum inflammation, etc. That is why it is preferable to correct crooked or overlapped teeth before they cause serious dental problems.

  • Cosmetic Procedures

Dental surgeons may also provide cosmetic procedures such as braces, crowns, dental bonding, and veneers to straighten minor dental irregularities. These are the traditional methods during which dentists utilize orthodontic appliances to improve the position of misaligned and uneven teeth.

Dental Surgery

3. Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Oral surgeons treat wisdom teeth or third molar issues with extraction surgery. Most people develop wisdom teeth at 17-25 age. In some cases, people may develop an impacted third molar, which is fairly common. This dental issue usually happens because of inadequate jaw space or a wrong-angle eruption.  

The impacted wisdom teeth cause severe oral health issues such as damage to the nearby tooth, gum infection, diseases, tooth decay, and chronic pain. Therefore, people prefer to extract them to get rid of the unbearable pain.

Dentists surgically remove the wisdom tooth through extraction surgery. Basically, it is an outpatient surgery done in minimal duration. It is imperative to seek professional guidance following the surgery for an efficient recovery.

4. Oral Cancer

Oral surgeons perform a maxillectomy or partial maxillectomy to treat oral cancer. It is a deadly disease and may cause the patient’s eventual death if not treated in the early stages. The type of maxillectomy depends on the severity of the cancer.

If cancer has grown into the entire hard palate, the surgeons will remove all the parts of the involved bone to prevent further progression. On the other hand, if cancer has impacted a few tissues of the maxilla, the surgeon may perform a partial maxillectomy.

In this process, the dental surgeon only removes the tissues impacted with cancer and some normal tissue around them to ensure the complete removal of cancerous tissues. Also, the surgeons may perform reconstruction surgery to rebuild the impacted area. For this, dental operators take normal body tissues from other parts.

The surgery usually takes 2 hours to complete; however, the time can vary depending on the severity of the disease.

5. Missing Teeth

Surgeons perform dental implant surgery to replace the missing teeth. A lost tooth leaves an empty space where bacteria can easily enter and cause major oral issues such as damage to the adjacent tooth, gum inflammation, or other diseases.

The tooth implant protects the empty space of the tooth and eliminates the interaction of bacteria. Implants are the metal screwlike post which is placed to the exact location of the missing tooth. Following this, surgeons provide a restorative crown on the top of the implant, which creates an artificial appearance of the implant similar to the original tooth.

A dental implant is a long procedure that often takes weeks to months to complete, depending on the type of implant and the patient’s gum health. In case of inadequate jawbone density, dentists may prefer bone grafting, which is an additional procedure before the implant.

Bone grafting takes additional time to adjust to the jawbone; that’s why this process enhances the overall duration of implant surgery.

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Wrapping Up!

Dentists perform a specific dental surgery in order to cure the dental issue impacting the overall oral health of patients. For successful surgery, dentists should use high-quality and precise dental tools.

You can get all kinds of dental surgical instruments from BigBusinessWork. They have been in the field of dentistry for the past three decades and provide innovative and advanced dental tools in multiple variations for the facility of surgeons. Check out their website and get some quality tools to optimize your surgical practices!

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